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Mapping a journey through The English countryside. A meditative and serene work of continuous natural sound and music.

All natural sounds were recorded at various locations around West Sussex in 2024. Much of the music was crafted from resynthesised found sound and birdsong, reinterpreted and married with more traditional instrumentation to symbolise the dichotomy of nature and technology and the potentially alchemic way in which users engage with the digital presentation.

Each audio element illustrates a different sight, sound, or emotional reaction to the changing geography and wildlife. It is tranquil, but not without challenges. Tougher, more sinister and intense moments occur dictated by the varying climate and terrain, while recurring instruments reflect the repeating sights and sounds throughout.

  • with the dawn chorus, the sun rising and the unfurling of flora. As the listener begins their footsteps are reflected in their surroundings and the various fauna begin to peer through the foliage.

  • Footsteps begin to quicken as the listener makes strides, and the beauty of the English topography is all around.

  • As the journey progresses, clouds roll in and rain begins as the mood shifts and the listener hurries to find shelter from the oncoming storm.

  • Rain subsides and serenity finds the listener with calming soft winds after the storm.

  • with the glimpse of animals peering out again through the trees, and the pace quickens once more.

  • Crickets and insects trill as the listener completes their journey in the peacefulness of the calm evening, and reflects back on their journey to the hooting of owls and background noise of the forest at night.